Podium Presentation
The podium presentation learning experience is a short-term learning experience that runs concurrently with other learning experiences during the residency year. Each resident is required to complete at least one podium presentation during the residency year.
The presentation may be given at Olathe Medical Center as an educational in-service (e.g. grand rounds), continuing education program for nurses, physicians or pharmacists, as a didactic lecture through a school of pharmacy, or at a pharmacy organization meeting. Other educational opportunities may be appropriate if approved by the precepting pharmacist and the residency program director.
The resident is responsible for identifying an opportunity for education, submitting a presentation proposal, developing learning objectives and content, designing a presentation appropriate for the audience, utilizing effective presentation and teaching skills during the presentation, and creating a method for learning assessment. Additionally, the resident should request feedback from the preceptor throughout the development process and of the audience after the presentation.