Price Estimator Result
02/12/2025 05:07 PM
's pricing information above is an estimate of the current "Procedure Price" for the identified services and also an estimate of "Estimated Payor Price." Estimated Payor Price is the expected charge billed to your insurer, or, if you don't have health insurance, the cost billed directly to you for the selected services. Please note: The pricing tool is not a guarantee of coverage, benefits, payment, or your final billed charges and should not be used as such. You will be responsible for all amounts billed directly to you, even if they exceed this estimate. As further explained below, the actual amount you will pay out-of-pocket will vary, depending on a variety of factors, including your specific insurance plan.
The Estimated Payor Price is for hospital fees only (for example: supplies and equipment, room and board, and the use of hospital non-physician resources). Your actual total costs may be higher or lower depending on many factors, including, but not limited to, your and your physician's treatment choices, actual services rendered, your particular healthcare needs, and the details of your insurance coverage, if any. You may also have separate bills from physicians involved in your care, such as emergency, surgery, anesthesiology, pathology, and radiology.
If you have questions about this pricing tool or your estimate, please call our Pre-Registration team at 913-355-4455 or refer to your insurance plan documents for specific coverage details.