Olathe Health Blog


  1. Behind the Lines: Navigating through Fears with Facts

    Behind the Lines: Navigating through Fears with Facts

    When I share with you our story and our information below, I hope you will view the bravery of our healthcare associates and providers in a magnified way as you realize their unwavering dedication to provide compassionate care for others along our journey.

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  2. Dana Moss, RN, is the May/June Outstanding Associate

    Dana Moss, RN, is the May/June Outstanding Associate

    Congratulations to Dana Moss for being chosen as an Outstanding Associate of 2020!

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  3. Joseph Fielder, Jr. is the March/April Outstanding Associate

    Joseph Fielder, Jr. is the March/April Outstanding Associate

    Congratulations to Joseph Fielder, Jr. for being chosen as an Outstanding Associate of 2020!

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  4. Getting a Grip: Innovative Wide-Awake Surgery for Treating Hand and Wrist Conditions

    Getting a Grip: Innovative Wide-Awake Surgery for Treating Hand and Wrist Conditions

    An innovative hand surgery at Olathe Medical Center (OMC) has doctors and patients alike, giving the procedure two thumbs up. Patients like Susan Clifford of Shawnee, who had suffered from pain and numbness in her hands for years due to carpal tunnel syndrome. “While driving, my hands would go numb, affecting my ability even to […]

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  5. Three Ways to Support a Healthy Breastfeeding Experience

    Three Ways to Support a Healthy Breastfeeding Experience

    You have a lot on your mind during pregnancy, and breastfeeding may not be at the top of the list. However, lactation consultants at Olathe Medical Center suggest researching and planning for breastfeeding as early as 16 weeks. Here are a few things to help you achieve breastfeeding success. First, it’s important to know the […]

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